Thursday, November 18, 2010

28 Week Appointment and A Look Back....

Today was my lovely 28 week appointment. It was filled with lots of fun things, including my 1 hour gluclose and my rhogram shot. Is it weird that I actually enjoyed the first few drinks of the orange sugary drink?

I'm measuring right on track this time and LO's heartbeat was in the low 150s...which is higher than it ever been before. It could be because LO was not thrilled with the dopplar cramping it's space and was kicking and punching it like crazy!

My weight gain is right on track and everything is looking good! Next appointment is at 32 weeks! I can't believe I'm into my third trimester already!

Since I'm in my third trimester I thought it would be fun to look back over the last few you go....

(4 days after we found out!) flat tummy :) Hopefully that will come back!

(14 Weeks...2nd Trimester!)

(One week shy of 3rd Trimester!)

I can't believe how much my belly has grown since the beginning of the 2nd trimester. I remember being excited to have a "bump" at 14 weeks seems kinda silly now!

                                                            Have a great weekend!

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