I can't believe it...it's been 2 years already! So far each year has been better than the last and I can't wait to see what this next year brings! In honor of our anniversary, I'd thought I'd go back in time and recap our 5 years together...and away we go...
Ryan and I met on my 21st birthday...in a bar :) Despite what people tell you..sometimes it does work!
This is our first picture together. After this night Ryan went back to Colorado for winter break without my number. After a week or so I finally I got the courage (with the help of a few drinks) to call him! That's right...I called him...we talked for two weeks before we met again...
This was our first trip to Lake Powell together, we both love that place and have many fond memories from our trips there....
These are from our first cruise together...it has started my obsession with cruising and we have been on 4 more since we met. We love traveling together and can't wait to add Brinley to the mix!!
We've skipped quite a bit, I don't want to bore you. Our engagement! I had just moved to Denver with Ryan and we flew back to Chicago for a Cards v. Cubs series we were there with tons of friends and my parents. After the game and dinner with Cassie and Ryan we ended at Navy Pier for fireworks. Right before they started Ryan pulled me aside (I had NO idea what was going to happen). He told me an adorable story, got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife. I was in shock, but of course said YES! Although it looks like I am grabing the ring in the first picture, I actually didn't even see what it looked like and it took us about 5 minutes to put the ring on my finger! I was any amazing night spent with family and friends!!

Our wedding day! It was a rainy Saturday in Red Bud, but the rain stopped just long enough to get a few outdoor pictures. It was everything we dreamed (or at least for me...I'm not sure Ryan spent much time thinking about his wedding growing up!) We had a large wedding party filled with wonderful family and amazing friends. It's a day we will never forget....
This was last winter on what turned out to be our last "big kid" vacation! We had a blast with our friends Nathan and Jessica. Next time we vacation together my guess is that it will involve a lot less Coronas and a lot more Mickey :)
Then came one of the best days of my life. Taking a test and seeing those two lines was simply amazing!!
Our first ultrasound picture of Baby P...it was official we were going to be parents!!
My last pregnant picture the day labor started...Brinley was born 36 hours later :)
The greatest joy in our lives and the best thing that has happen to us in our two years of marriage. Brinley Grace was born Feb. 6th.
Last but not least, our very first family picture!
It has been an amazing two years and I can only imagine how much better each year will be.