11 months....oh my oh my
Brinley continues to blossom daily and on her 11 month birthday she conqured the stairs, not just one but 12. She had been practicing on the single step at Jimmy and Lisa's but was so very proud of herself when she did 12 steps at work. Once she was done she started clapping...she was so proud of herself.
The girl is also jabbering like a fool. It's so fun to hear her talk to herself, her toys, and us!
-mandrin oranges
-bath time (one of these days I'm going to get a video of what she does when she hears the water running)
-playing with all her new christmas toys
-feeding herself (Brinley is doing great with a fork)
-when things are taken away from her
-bows and headbands (no more cute flowers for this girl)
-baby food
Each month the pictures get harder and harder to take!!
This is the death stare because we put a headband on her....