20 Weeks
How far along? 20 weeks...half way there!
Food cravings: Soft serve ice cream...in a cone
Biggest Moment? Heading to our 20 week ultrasound
Movement? Baby loves to dance and kick! I am even seeing the kicks on the outside on top of feeling them!
Baby's Milestones: Baby is growing fast he/she is now 6.5 inches long and weighs about 10 ounces!
Food cravings: Soft serve ice cream...in a cone
Biggest Moment? Heading to our 20 week ultrasound
Movement? Baby loves to dance and kick! I am even seeing the kicks on the outside on top of feeling them!
Baby's Milestones: Baby is growing fast he/she is now 6.5 inches long and weighs about 10 ounces!
We had our appointment today. The monitor we normally get to see things on was broken so it was kind of disappointing. Our tech was really nice and tried to turn her screen to us as much as possible. We saw babies feet and lots of profile shots. We even were able to see baby moving it's lips and tongue..so cute!
The tech tempted us with finding out the sex by offering to write it down and put an in an envelope. but we held strong...go thing Ryan was there to keep me from saying yes. I'm finding it harder to be team green this time around. However, after today there is no turning back and I know I will be so happy with our decision on delivery day!
Here are a few pictures of our sweet little one!
This picture is a little weird but you are looking at it's face straight on. You can also see the arm to the right and it's body is kinda wrapped up and around. She was trying to get a good face shot for us, but baby was apparently very content in this very weird position.
Baby feet!
Baby is measuring 3 days behind like he/she has at every ultrasound and is weighing a whopping 12 ounces!
We love you little bean!