Today was simply beautiful. They sun was out and the weather was perfect. Brinley and I worked a half day so we met Lindsay, Taylor and Devon at the Zoo. It was a mad house. Apparently everyone and their brother decided today would be the perfect zoo day.
Brinley loved the animals she spent most of the afternoon point and shouting "ooohh" at every animal. It was really cute. My camera was almost dead so there aren't many pictures, except for the few I got on the carousel. That brings us to the point of this post...the carousel. To put it simply Brinley hated it. Well, she didn't hate all of it, she loved it when we were standing in line and while we were walking to pick out our animal. I thought she would love all the animals and going up and down. I put her on her animal and she was terrified. I ended up riding with her and she still didn't like it. Although I'm bummed she didn't love it, I'm glad she didn't scream for the entire 3 minute ride.
Waiting for our ride to start....
And then this is how she spent the next 3 minutes....